Top 7 tips to crack competitive exams like NEET and JEE

Competitive exams like NEET and JEE need constant dedication and persistence. Apart from being effort intensive, these exams also need a structured plan with tried and tested successful methods. Faculties of International schools in Kalyan are equipped with excellent resources to guide students towards triumph. There are some top techniques that students can use on a personal level too. In this blog, we will spill seven expert tips to crack competitive exams like NEET and JEE.


  1. Use technology to your advantage

The modern era and its gift of technology can be used not only to prepare but also to excel at these exams. You can use technological devices to make quick revision tips. Make sure to keep distraction away. Use applications that help you enhance memory, speed, concentration and decision-making skills. The best schools in Kalyan with a global curriculum use hi-tech resources to aid students in their exam preparation.



  1. Try not to combine board and competitive exams

Remember that both JEE and NEET exams are made to test a student’s knowledge and comprehension skills on the subjects. Though the syllabi for Board and competitive exams are almost the same, each exam puts different skills to the test. Schools in Kalyan have expert sessions to help students with both these exams. The preparation for board exams is based on a theoretical approach. On the other hand, competitive exams like JEE and NEET require strong logical reasoning, aptitude skills, deep conceptual knowledge, qualitative analysis, and thorough practice. So, ensure that you pick the syllabus and preparation strategies accordingly to ace both these exams.


  1. Morning study sessions are more lucrative

Avoid studying at odd times such as late in the night. Also, going for a short morning walk in nature before studying refreshes your mind. Early morning hours help you memorize quickly and retain better. It is better for children to get into this habit from a young age that is when they are studying in playschools in Kalyan.



  1. Keep it a combination of smart and hard work

It is a myth that more study time equals better preparation. Smart and steadfast learning strategies that help you cover in an hour what other students study in 2 hours can be a boon. Don’t fill your study with too many reference books that you won’t actually have the bandwidth to go through. Top schools in Kalyan have faculties that assist students to excel at competitive exams with smart techniques and resources.


  1. Follow the OK4R method

Use the six-prong strategy of studying smartly for competitive exams. OK4R is an acronym for Overview, Key Ideas, Reading, Recall, Reflect, and Review. This helps you retain answers and solve questions in a better and faster manner.


  1. Don’t procrastinate

Delaying things for tomorrow can be a major hindrance for success. Make sure you stick to your time-table and avoid procrastination. This is applicable for all phases of life even when a student enrols in a reputed college in Kalyan.


  1. NCERT books are your holy grail

Experts hold NCERT books in high regard when it comes to competitive exams like JEE and NEET. It is also known to be the best books to prepare for Biology and Inorganic chemistry topics.


Make the most of these seven tips that help you prepare constructively for NEET and JEE. Remember, smart and consistent efforts always lead you towards your goals!