How to make your child socially intelligent?
Intelligence that comes from social settings, experience from interacting with others and one’s failure or successes is social intelligence. It has become one of the most crucial prerequisites for success in life. Let’s understand how cultivating this attribute from a young age can help your child cope better and excel in the future.
What is social intelligence?
The ability to understand and manage interpersonal connections is referred to as social intelligence. Emotional intelligence and self-awareness are highly required for social intelligence. Knowing when to speak or listen, what to say, and what to do are all examples of social intelligence. Timing also plays an important role in social intelligence. It is colloquially referred to as “tact” or “common sense”. Schools in Kalyan empower students to cultivate this trait effectively.
Benefits of social intelligence for children
In the educational growth of students, social intelligence is extremely significant and the best schools in Kalyan West teach it perfectly. It provides the ability to understand oneself and others, and it is as much a part of the human condition as the ability to understand objects or noises. It deserves to be researched and inculcated in students just as much as the other forms of intelligence. Owing to the increasing tensions, strains, and complexity in today’s world, social intelligence is becoming more important. It can be acquired, developed, and used as a successful life skill for achieving success in all sectors of life, including managing personal life, interpersonal interactions, and managing professional life.
Tips to cultivate social intelligence in your child
Social intelligence comes in various forms. Verbal and non-verbal fluency, knowledge of social rules and roles, listening skills, playing social roles efficiently, self-image and impression management are different forms of social intelligence. Here are a few useful tips to cultivate social intelligence in your child.
Lead by example
Be a patient and perceptive listener. If you disagree with someone in front of your child, try to handle it gently or at the very least resolve it. Then tell your child what happened in simple terms, especially if the child appears upset. Model the social traits you want your child to have, such as patience, forgiveness, sharing, and empathy.
Be real
Distraction, gimmicks, games, prizes, and punishments are not effective ways to teach social intelligence. Instead be direct and respectful, clear, gentle, and honest. These methods encourage children to be socially intelligent. Being inauthentic by manipulation, control or shaming again is a big NO. The more real and mature techniques you adopt, the more socially intelligent your child becomes.
Practice and more practice
Last but not the least, help children to practice a lot. Learning the complexities of social relationships takes a lot of practice. When we forgo expectations about play assist and don’t meddle, children learn better by their own experiences. Observe intently and sympathetically, and intervene gently only if needed. Children learn social skills better organically. International schools offer plenty of practice to cultivate this trait.
Social Intelligence is a highly significant trait for success in today’s competitive virtual world. Understanding its components and inculcating this attribute in children from a young age when they are in a Pre-school in Kalyan will prepare them for success and efficiency in their future.