Hindi Essay Writing Competition

द कैब्रिया अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विद्यालय 🏢 के हिंदी पखवाड़ (हिंदी क्लब )ने दिनांक 12 / 12 / 23 को निबंध लेखन कौशल ✍️ का आयोजन किया | जिसका उद्देश्य विद्यार्थियों के

Live Zoo🦁🌿

The zoo event on Nov 2, 2023, was a wild success, exploring biodiversity and fostering a love for the wild. Magical moments and joy filled the air as students, teachers,

Singing Competition 🎤🕺

The Cambria International School hosted a dynamic Singing and Dancing Competition, showcasing diverse talents. Each class displayed mastery in voice modulation, pitch, rhythm, and tone. The competition instilled pride, self-esteem,

Karate: Strength and Grace 🌟💪

Karate in our school offers students a platform to challenge themselves, stay fit, and discover their true potential. It’s the ultimate blend of strength and grace, providing a holistic approach

Diwali Celebration

The students of “The Cambria International School & Junior College” in Kalyan celebrated Diwali enthusiastically on 8.11.23 (Wednesday). Grades II to XII adorned their classrooms with lanterns, rangolis, lights, and

Exploring the World of Time ⏰

Eager learners dive into a hands-on adventure with write-and-wipe clocks, unravelling the mysteries of hours, minutes, and seconds. They mark their progress with every tick, turning time into a canvas

Future Stars in Cambrian Football ⚽

The future of Cambrian football shines bright as our Under-14 and Under-17 teams hit the field with passion and determination. These young athletes strive to perfect their skills, chase dreams,

Paragraph Writing Competition

TCIS organized a Paragraph Writing competition for Grade I learners on topics like Cleanliness 🧹🧴 and Healthy Food 🍓🍍🍇🥦🥬. Participants showcased their efforts, articulating thoughts wholeheartedly. It’s heartening to see