The Role of Technology in Education

Technology has transformed education, providing new tools and methods for learning that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. The integration of tablets, educational apps, and online learning platforms has

Navigating High School Relationships and Social Life

High school is a time of significant personal growth and social development. Balancing friendships, dating, and navigating social dynamics can be challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Here’s some advice on

Effective Study Techniques for Improved Learning

                 Effective study techniques can significantly enhance students’ academic performance and make learning more efficient and enjoyable. Here are some strategies and habits that can help students improve their learning

Healthy Eating and Nutrition for Students

Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for students, not just for physical health, but also for mental and academic performance. Proper nutrition fuels the body and mind, supporting growth, development,

Thrilling Workshop on 21st-Century Skills for Grade 10

On May 4th, our Grade 10 students delved into creativity and technology during our second 21st-century skill development workshop. Dr. Kavitha Venkatachari, Dean of AI and Future Tech at Universal

Embracing Diversity: Enriching Primary School Literature

In today’s diverse world, primary school literature serves as a gateway to understanding and embracing different cultures, identities, and perspectives. Let’s embark on a journey through the pages of inclusive

Celebrating Stop Food Waste Day with Grade 1 & 2 

Grade 1 and 2 learners celebrated ‘Stop Food Waste Day’ by sharing creative ideas on how to avoid food wastage. Encouraged to speak a few sentences each, they highlighted unique

World Environment Day

To celebrate World Environment Day, students from grades VII to X collaborated with art teachers to craft a compelling stop-motion animation video. This artistic endeavor highlights the significance of a